Level 2 – WSET® Award in Wine – english – 22.06.2025 – Berne – registrations close on the 06.06.2025

CHF 990.00

Who should attend?

The WSET® Level 2 Award in Wines is intended for people who have little or no prior knowledge. It is suitable wherever a good level of wine knowledge is required to underpin job skills and competencies, for example in the customer service and sales functions of hospitality, retail and wholesale industries. It is also useful for those who have a general interest in wine and wish to broaden their knowledge.

How will you benefit?

Successful candidates will be able to describe and compare the styles of wines produced from internationally and regionally important grape varieties, interpret wine labels from the main wine-producing regions of the world and give basic guidance on appropriate selection and service, as well as understand the principles of wine tasting and evaluation.

Required prior knowledge for the course: – no prior knowledge is required. But an advantage, to have followed the Level 1 – Introduction to Wine and Swiss Wine course, or completed a Swiss restaurant service apprentiship. N.B. If you are not sure, contact us, so that we can help you choose the course level according to your needs and objectives.

Course location:

The Beverage Institute

Bernapark 1

CH-3066 Stettlen

Take the S7 from Berne main train station, train every 15 minutes, journey of 14 minutes

8 en stock

UGS : 36510 Catégorie : Étiquettes : , ,


Level 2 WSET® Award in Wines

Instruction, course material and examination in the English language

  Sunday, the 22nd of June 2025
from: 08:45 Welcome
09:00 Introduction to the course and the learning outcomes WSET® Level 2 systematic approach to tasting Food and wine matching
10:00 Factors which influence the production of red wines Pinot Noir, Zinfandel
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Factors which influence the production of white wines, sweet wines and rosé wines Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Sémillon, Furmint
17:00 Questions and end of the first course day
  Sunday, the 29th of June 2025
from: 08:45 Welcome
09:00 Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer, Viognier, Albariño
10:00 Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon et Syrah / Shiraz
12:00 Pause déjeuner
13:00 Gamay, Grenache, Tempranillo, Carmenère, Malbec, Pinotage
17:00 Questions et fin de la deuxième journée du cours
  Sunday, the 6th of July 2025
from: 08:45 Welcome
09:00 Cortese, Garganega, Verdicchio, Fiano Nebbiolo, Barbera, Corvina, Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Zinfandel/Primitivo Revision – tasting
10:00 Sparking wines Fortified wines
12:00 Questions and Feedback
12:10 Lunch break
14:00 WSET® Level 2 in Wines – examination
16:30 End of course and the examination
  • Please create your profile and log in to reserve your place on this course.
  • You are required to complete the registration details, which include your date of birth so that we can complete the registration process as quickly as possible for you. N.B. We accept credit card payments through the SumUp system, but you can also pay by bank transfer

Financial assistance:

For all who are employed by, or are responsible for a restaurant, hotel, bar or night club in any of the following Cantons, there is a possibility of being subsidised for the course fee. The Cantons we currentyl have an agreement with are:

  • Fribourg
  • Geneva – it is possible to apply for a « grant or a loan » from the Canton
  • Jura
  • Neuchâtel
  • Valais – ritzy further and continuing education

For managers and employees of a restaurant, bar, hotel or nightclub (subject to the L-GAV / CCNT) in a Canton that does not offer a subsidy for continuing education, we offer a 10% discount on the price of the course at our main premises and also in the Canton of Ticino. Please contact us to find out more.

For the Cantons with which we have an agreement, contact us and we will assist you in the process. We look forward to welcoming you to the next course.