Level 1 – Introduction to wine and Swiss wine

Date / Datum


heure / Zeit


lieu du cours / Kursstandort

The Beverage Institute

Saturday, the 23rd of August 2024

Level 1 – Introduction to wine and Swiss wine

Instruction, course material and examination in the English language

from 08:15 Welcome
08:30  Introduction to the course and the learning objectives
 09:00 The Swiss vineyard
 10:00  White wines
 11:30  Lunch break
 12:30  Red and rosé wines
13:30 practical exercise – food and wine matching
 15:00 Questions and revision
 15:15 Short break
 15:30  Examination
16:30 End of the examination and the course
  • Please create your profile and log in to reserve your place on this course.

N.B. We accept payment by debit or credit card through the SumUp system but you can also pay by bank transfer. Please note that we will need you to complete the registration details, in order to complete the registration process as quickly as possible for you.

Financial assistance:

For those of you who are employed by, or are responsible for a restaurant, hotel, bar or nicht club in any of the following Cantons, there is a possibility of being subsidised for the course fee.

The Cantons we currently have an agreement with are:

    • Fribourg

    • Jura

    • Neuchâtel

    • Valais – ritzy further and continuing education

we are working on being able to assist candidates in other Cantons with the same level of assistance. As and when this is possible, we will inform you accordingly.

For the Cantons with which we have an agreement, contact us and we will assist you in the process. We look forward to welcoming you to the next course.

s'inscrire / jetzt anmelden

Cours / Kurs / Corso: Quantità biglietti: Prezzo per biglietto:
12 A sinistra:
CHF 360.00
Places / Plätze Totale

lieu du cours / Kursstandort

Places / Plätze 12 (12 A sinistra:)
  • The Beverage Institute
  • Mittelstrasse 14C
  • Biel
  • 2502
  • Switzerland

déroulement / Kursablauf

  • 23/08/2024 08:30   -   16:30
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